NEW YORK STATE RESIDENT INCOME TAX RETURN≥ 1990▌≥=O▌≥ 5| SSN:▀πNAME*▀>ß▌≥ 5|▀ß▀>ß▌≥ 5|≥-▀πCITY*▌≥ 5| NY County of Residence:▌≥ 5|▀>ß
▌≥-5|≥-▌Permanent Address (if different):≥ | School District: ▌≥ 5|▀ß▀>ß▌≥ 5|▀ß▀)ß▀>ß▌≥-O▌≥ | If deceased, name and date of death:▀7ß▀Hß▌≥=O▌A. FILING 1. [ ] Single≥ | B. Did you itemize your deductions▀Γ,1▌ STATUS: 2. [ ] Married filing joint | on federal return? YES [ ] NO [ ]▀Γ,2▀FΓ,Y▀OΓ,N▌≥
3. [ ] Married filing separate | C. Can you be claimed as dependent▀Γ,3▌≥
4. [ ] Head of household≥ | on another return? YES [ ] NO [ ]▀Γ,4▀FΓ,Y▀OΓ,N▌≥
5. [ ] Qualifying widow(er) | D. Check box if you do NOT want▀Γ,5▌≥ )| NY forms mailed next year: [ ]▀Nß▌≥ )| E. Enter number of exemptions▌≥ )| on federal return, line 6e: [ ]▀Mß▌≥=O▌ 1. Wages, salaries, tips≥.'1.|▀Eεß∩▌ 2. Taxable interest income≥.%2.|▀Eεß∩▌ 3. Dividend income≥.-3.|▀Eεß∩▌ 4. Taxable state & local tax refunds≥..|▀Eεß∩▌ 5. Alimony received≥.,5.|▀Eεß∩▌ 6. Business income or (loss)≥.#6.|▀Eεß∩▌ 7. Capital gain or (loss)≥.&7.|▀Eεß∩▌ 8. Capital gain distributions not on line 7≥.8.|▀Eεß∩▌ 9. Other gains or losses≥.'9.|▀Eεß∩▌10. Taxable IRA distributions≥."10.|▀Eεß ∩▌11. Taxable pensions and annuities≥.11.|▀Eεß!∩▌12. Rents, royalties, partnerships, estates, etc≥.12.|▀Eεß"∩▌13. Farm income or (loss)≥.&13.|▀Eεß#∩▌14. Unemployment compensation≥."14.|▀Eεß$∩▌15. Taxable social security benefits≥..|▀Eεß%∩▌16. Other income. Identify≥.[≥ ]≥.16.|▀&εß&∩▀Eεß'∩▌17. Total (add 1 through 16)≥.#17.|▀Eεß(∩▌18. Total federal adjustments≥.[≥ ]≥.18.|▀&εß)∩▀Eεß*∩▌19. Federal adjusted gross income (line 17 minus line 18)≥.19.|▀Eεß+∩▌≥=O▌NEW YORK ADDITIONS:≥ /|▌20. Interest income on non-NY bonds≥.20.|▀Eεß,∩▌21. Public employee 414(h) retirement contribution≥.21.|▀Eεß-∩▌22. Other additions. Identify≥.[≥ ]≥.22.|▀&εß.∩▀Eεß/∩▌23. Add lines 19 through 22≥.$23.|▀Eεß0∩▌≥ B|▌NEW YORK SUBTRACTIONS:≥ ≥-|≥-▌24. Taxable refunds of state & local taxes≥.24.|≥ |≥#▀8εß1∩▌25. Taxable social security benefits ≥.25.|≥ |≥#▀8εß2∩▌26. Interest income on USGovt bonds≥.26.|≥ |≥#▀8εß3∩▌27. Pension and annuity income≥.27.|≥ |≥#▀8εß4∩▌28. Other: Identify...[≥ ]≥.28.|≥ |≥#▀εß5∩▀8εß6∩▌≥ 5≥-|≥-▌29. Add lines 24 through 28≥.$29.|▀Eεß7∩▌30. New York adjusted gross income (line 23 minus line 29)≥.30.|▀Eεß8∩▌≥=O▌≡Σ2IT-201 (1990) (back)▌≥-O▌31. Medical and dental expenses≥.31.|≥ |≥#▀8εß9∩▌32. Taxes you paid≥. 32.|≥ |≥#▀8εß:∩▌33. Interest you paid≥.33.|≥ |≥#▀8εß;∩▌34. Gifts to charity≥.34.|≥ |≥#▀8εß<∩▌35. Casualty and theft losses≥.35.|≥ |≥#▀8εß=∩▌36. Moving expenses≥.36.|≥ |≥#▀8εß>∩▌37. Job expenses and most misc deductions≥. 37.|≥ |≥#▀8εß?∩▌38. Other miscellaneous deductions≥.38.|≥ |≥#▀8εß@∩▌39. Total itemized deductions≥.39.|≥ |≥#▀8εßA∩▌40. State,local,foreign taxes in line 32≥.
40.|≥ |≥#▀8εßB∩▌41. Subtract line 40 from 39≥.41.|≥ |≥#▀8εßC∩▌42. Other adjustments≥.42.|≥ |≥#▀8εßD∩▌43. Add line 41 and line 42≥.43.|≥ |≥#▀8εßE∩▌44. NY itemized deduction adjustment≥.44.|≥ |≥#▀8εßF∩▌45. NY itemized deductions (ln 44 minus ln 45).....45.|≥ |≥#▀8εßG∩▌≥=O▌46. Enter amount from line 30 on front page≥.46.|▀EεßH∩▌47. New York deduction≥.)47.|▀EεßI∩▌≥ Using: [ ] Standard or [ ] Itemized deduction≥ |▀ßJ▀%ßK▌48. Subtract line 47 from line 46≥.48.|▀EεßL∩▌49. New York dependent exemption amount≥.49.|▀EεßN∩▌50. Subtract line 49 from line 48. This is taxable income≥.50.|▀EεßO∩▌51. New York State tax on line 50≥.51.|▀EεßP∩▌≥=O▌52. NY State child & dependent credit: #Persons [ ] |≥ |≥#
▀2ßQ▌≥ Federal credit [≥
] x 20% = ≥.52.|≥ |≥#
▀εßR∩▀8εßS∩▌53. NY State household credit≥.53.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßV∩▌54. Other NY State credits (IT-201ATT, ln 7)≥.54.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßX∩▌55. Add lines 52, 53, and 54≥.#55.|▀EεßY∩▌56. Subtract line 55 from line 51≥.56.|▀EεßZ∩▌57. Other NY State taxes (IT-201ATT, ln 15)≥.57.|▀Eεß[∩▌58. Total NY State taxes (add lines 56 and 57)≥.58.|▀Eεß\∩▌59. New York City resident tax≥.59.|≥ |≥#
▀8εß^∩▌60. New York City household credit≥.60.|≥ |≥#
▀8εß_∩▌61. Subtract line 60 from line 59≥.61.|≥ |≥#
▀8εß`∩▌62. NY City nonresident earnings tax≥.62.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßa∩▌63. Other New York City taxes (IT-201ATT, ln 19)...63.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßb∩▌64. Yonkers resident income surcharge≥.64.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßf∩▌67. Total NYC and Yonkers taxes (add lines 61 through 66)≥.67.|▀Eεßg∩▌68. Gift to Wildlife contribution≥.68.|▀Eεßh∩▌69. Add lines 58, 67, and 68≥.#69.|▀Eεßi∩▌≥=O▌70. Real property tax credit≥.70.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßj∩▌71. NY State taxes withheld≥.71.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßk∩▌72. NY City taxes withheld≥.72.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßl∩▌73. Yonkers taxes withheld≥.73.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßm∩▌74. Estimated tax payments≥.74.|≥ |≥#
▀8εßn∩▌75. Add lines 70 through 74. This is your total payments≥.75.|▀Eεßo∩▌76. AMOUNT OVERPAID≥.,76.|▀Eεßp∩▌77. Amount of line 76 to be refunded to you≥.77.|▀Eεßq∩▌78. Amount of line 76 to be applied to 1991 estimated tax≥.78.|▀Eεßr∩▌79. AMOUNT OWED≥.079.|▀Eεßs∩▌80. Check if Form IT-2105.9 attached [ ]≥ Amount≥. 80.|▀(ßt▀Eεßu∩▌≥=O▌≡//2Σ1⌠N90NY1*▀" X▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▀πNAME*▀Bß▌▌▀ß▀Bß▌▌▀πCITY*▀Bß